A high-quality example of a calcite ammonite fossil of the species Leptosphinctes sp. from a temporary inland site near Loders, close to the Jurassic Coast of Dorset in the UK.
The ammonite measures 160 mm (6.3 inches) across, is very well preserved in crystalline calcite, and has been prepared out of the rock to reveal both sides of the shell. The ribs are very finely defined, and the mottled yellow, orange and brown colours are beautiful. A great example of the species and impressive in the flesh. The fossil weighs 975 grams. Many hours of preparation have gone into making this ammonite look its best for display. This one came from a temporary exposure inland that has now been filled back in, meaning more are unlikely to be found here.
Around 168 million years old (Bajocian, Middle Jurassic), this fossil would make a wonderful addition to any collection.