A stunning and huge example of a highly pyritised ammonite fossil of the species Crucilobiceras densinodulum from the world-famous Jurassic Coast beach of Charmouth, Dorset UK.
The fossil measures 112 mm (4.4 inches) across with matrix, which is huge for this species and about as big as they get. The ammonite shell is very well preserved with great detail in the ribbing and suture lines in the centre of the matrix which represents the outer whorl of the shell. It is clean on both sides with some of the rare spines still present. It has a beautiful pyritic metallic shine. These large Crucilobiceras ammonites are uncommon as most are much smaller and they don't get much bigger of better than this! A real one-off fossil. It weighs 360 grams.
Around 196 million years old, this fossil would make a wonderful addition to any collection.